The Council´s Members
Members of the Council for Radio and Television Broadcasting:
Current members

Ing. Pavla Gomba
Born on August 15, 1974
Professional experience:
Since 2000 UNICEF, Czech Committee, CEO and member of Standing Group
1999 - Municipality Masvingo, Zimbabwe,Consultant
1997 - 1999 Dutch Chamber of Commerce, Prague, Business Development Consultant
1996- Embassy of Kingdom of Denmark in Prague, Business Dpt.
Ms Gomba graduated from the University of Economics in Prague, field Finances and Human Resources Management. She publishes articles about childern rights and international relations and edited a book about international assistance to developing countries.

Eva Kantůrková
Ms Kanturkova was born in Prague, where she also graduated from the High School and the Philosophical Faculty at the Charles University.
She started her career as journalist in the daily Mladá fronta. With the exception of several smaller jobs she dedicated herself to the profession of a writer. She is an author of a number of novels, anthology of stories and essays, she wrote script for six films. For her literary activity she was awarded by Tom Stoppard prize (for Friend from the House of Blue), further on by Jan Palach prize (for novel study Jan Hus) and by prize of Egon Hostovsky (for novel Garden of Childhood). Her film Blue festival, which was shot according to her script, won first prize in Montreal, TV series Friend of the House of Blue received two main prizes in Cannes.
A ban was imposed on her publishing in the seventhies, her books were published abroad, for one of them she was arrested and accused of subversion of the republic. She was a spokesperson to Charta 77, after the upheaval in 1989 she became Deputy of the Czech National Council and was also elected to a Chair of the Writers Community.
Recently she has worked for the Czech Literary Foundation (

Petr Kolář
Born on February 7th, 1941 in Paskov, district Frýdek-Místek
Mr Kolar spent his childhood in Ostrava. He studied there Mining University but due to events of Prague Spring, he did not finish his studies and emigrated. He was living in exile for 22 years.
In 1968 he entered a SJ noviciate in Austria. He was living in noviciate in St. Ändrä in Carinthia and later on in Münster, Westphalia.
In 1970 he was enrolled for Philosophische Hochschule der Jesuiten in Munich. He continued his teological studies in Lyon, France and in the Centre d´Etudes et de Recherches de la Compagnie de Jésus (Centre Sčvres) in Paris.
1975 priest ordination in Ellwagen, Germany and beginning of his service in foreign environment of Paris Archiepiscopate
1979 – 1980
He completed his special studies in Spokane, WA, USA
1982 – 1984
Department of International News in Radio Vatican
1984 – 1990
Various duties in Paris, e.g. rectorate in Centre Sčvres, S.I.T.T. – Archiepiscopate Centre for services to foreigners living in Paris region
Return to Czechoslovakia
Editor´s office of the religious Dpt. of the Czechoslovak Radio. Mr. Kolar was engaged in media activities of Catholic Church, became member of Media Commission to Czech Bishop Conference, furher on also coordinator of formation of Jesuit Youth of Czech province to Jesuits order.
Coordinator of media activities of the Czech province to Society of Jesus
Mr Kolar speaks French, English, German and Russian.

Ing. Jan Kostrhun
Born on July 3rd, 1942 in Podivín, district Břeclav
Education: Agricultural University in Brno
Working experience:
Zootechnicist (1965 – 1984)
Scriptwriter (1985 – 1990)
Deputy of Federal Assembly ČSFR (1992)
Free lance writer and scenarist (1993 – 1996)
Deputy of Chamber of Deputies to Parliament of CR (1996 – 2002), member of the Committee for Education, Culture, Youth and Physical Training, Chair of the Sub-Committee for Culture, member of the Standing Media Committee.
Mr Kostrhun started his literary, publishing and scriptwriting activities in 1965. He is an author or co-author of 25 published books, 5 feature films, 5 documentary films, 2 TV plays, 5 radio plays, he received several prizes for literature and script, he is a member of PEN Club .
On his own request he was excluded from the Communist Party. In 1990 he was a founding member of Agricultural party, since 1994 he has been a member of CSSD .

JUDr. Dalibor Matulka
Born on July 12, in Brno
Education: Faculty of Law in Brno, 1984
Doctor of Laws 1985
After several jobs in public health sector (controlling, management, complaints execution), he became a lawyer in the Centre of childern´s professional health services - 1991 – 1992
2002 - Supreme Court of the Czech Republic, Assistant to Judge
In the period 1992 – 2002 he was elected to Deputy of Chamber of Deputies to Parliament CR. He was a member of Constitutional Legal Committee, Mandate and Immunity Committee, till 1998 member of the parliamentary Standing Media Committee.
In 1999 -2001 - member of govermental Commission for the issues of relations between State and Church.
He speaks Russian and some English.

Doc. Mgr. Ing. Daniel Novák, CSc
Born on July 10, 1952 in Prague
1976 Faculty of Electrotechnics at the Czech Technical University in Prague
1991 Faculty of Law at the Charles University
Mr Novák graduated in pedagogy and postgraduate studies of professional teaching. In 1989 he received academic degree and habiliated in 1998.
In the past he used to work as the tramdriver, production dispatcher, high school teacher and articled clerk. Since 1981 he has been pedagogically and scientifically active at the Charles University. He also runs his own law office in Prague. Mr Novák has published a scientific monography and as author or co-writer he has written more than 60 professional aticles and text books for elementary schools, high schools and universities. He is involved in activities of scientific societies, Central electorial commission and in several committees of Czech Bar Association.
In February 2001 he became a member of the Council for Radio and TV Broadcasting (first run) and in May 2003 he started his second run. In both parliamentary nominations he represented Club of KSCM deputies.
He speaks Russian, understands Polish and English

Mgr. Irena Ondrová
Born on June, 19th, 1949 in Chomutov
Occupation: theorist of culture, vice-mayor to city of Zlín, senator ODS (1996 - 2002)
Charles University, Faculty of Philosophy, Culturology
Other activities and membership:
Trustees of Thomas Bata University in Zlin
Foundation Becario – for development of education
Czech Commission UNESCO
Political orientation:
Never in KSC or other political party until 1992
Since 1992 she has been a member of ODS

František Pejřil
Born on June 30, 1947
In 1966 he graduated from Technical College
Working experience:
Since 1994 – up to now
Mayor of Mokrá – Horákov, Southern Moravia
(active in regional politics since 1990)
1998 – 2002
Parliamentary Deputy for ODS, member of Petitionary Committee, chair of the Sub-Committee for nationalities, member of Sub-Committee for drug problematics
In 1989 he was member of Strike Committee and Civic Forum
1990 Founding member of ODS
In the end of sixties he used to work in the Kings Wooden Corporation in Netherlands

Petr Pospíchal
Vice-Chairman of the Council for Radio and TV Broadcasting
Petr Pospíchal was born on April 16th, 1960 in Brno as the eldest of five. After finishing the elementary school he wanted to be a typographer. In the beginning of 1977 he took part in the activities of Charta 77 and that was the reason why he was arrested in May 1978, accused from incitement and later on sentenced to 11 months of prison. After return home and despite of being excluded from his studies he finally finished his indentureship. In 1979 he started to work in the Committee for protection of unjustly prosecuted. He was winning his bread by working in various working professions till November 1989.
In 1982 during compulsory military service he was accused again from incitement and sentenced to 18 months of prison. After return he continued to take part activities related to Charta 77, he arranged contacts with polish disidents and organized meetings between Czech and Polish activists in the border mountains. Due to these activities he was arrested in 1987 and accused of subversion of the republic. After the large international protest campaign he had been free after having spent 4 months in imprisonment, however he was prosecuted till December 1989.
In 1988 he was one of the founders of the East-European Information Agency which connected independent information sources originating in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and published in the West the news from Czechoslovakia and other countries.
In the second half of eighties he was a free lanced collaborator of the Radio Free Europe and BBC, both in Czech and Polish section, he focused preferrably on radio journalism. His articles were published in Czech samizdat magazines, he took an active part in their publishing and in publishing of several samizdat books as well.
In November 1989 he was a co-founder of Civic Forum, shortly after that he became representative of its Radio Coordination Centre. In this informal appointment he withdrew from his position the former director of Czechoslovak Radio Mr Kvapil. Till the beginning of the first free elections in June 1990, he was a member of the top management of Coordination Centre of Civic Forum. Later on, he worked in the presidential office as Deputy Director of international department. After the split of the Czechoslovakia he was sent to Sofia, where he worked as charge d´affaires and later on as an Ambassador of the Czech Republic.
After return from the diplomatic mission he has been free lanced, made his living as consultant, together with his wife he holds a minority share in one smaller company.
He often publishes, namely in Literární noviny (Literary News) and Lidové noviny (Public News), devoted himself to interior and foreign political issues. He takes part in several political iniciatives, is Chair of Helsinki Civic Assembly in the Czech Republic and is one of the spokespersons of Brandys´ initiative (2001).
He is a holder of the supreme Bulgarian national award Stara Planina of 1st grade and Polish national Krzyz Oficerski Orderu Zaslugi Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej.
He speaks perfectly Bulgarian, Polish, Russian and some English.

Ing. Jiří Šenkýř
Vice Chairman
Born on December 17,1952 in Brno.
Technical University in Brno, Faculty of Electroengineering, specialized in cybernetics
Postgradual studies at the Czech Technical University in Prague, focused on dissembly diagnostics
1987 – 1988
Courses of system engineering (3 terms)
Masaryk University in Brno, course of modern local democratic administration – certificate
Working experience:
1975 – 1990
Žďas, Žďár nad Sázavou, master of maintainance of he NC machines
1990 – 1990
Regional National Committee, Žďár nad Sázavou, Secretary
1990 – 1996
City of Žďár nad Sázavou, Deputy to Mayor and member of Control Commission
1996 – 2002
Senate of Parliament CR, (Chair of KDU-CSL Club; member of Organizational Committee; member of the Committee for Culture, Science, Human Rights and petitions; member of the Parliamentary Assembly OSCE; member of Sub-committee for Forestry and Water System; member of Sub-committee for Struggle against Corruption.
od 2003
Basin of Morava river, Specialist
Languages: Russian, German, basic English

Katarína Vaculíková
Scriptwriter, dramaturgist and editor
Born on May, 22nd, 1948, Piešťany, Czechoslovakia
Working experience:
Since 1995
Czech television, editor
1993 – 1995
Czech television, spokesperson
1991 – 1993
Office to president of the Czech Republic, Prague Castle
1990 – 1991
FSB, dramaturgist
1973 – 1990
Film studio Barrandov, scriptwriter
1967 – 1968
Documentary film, Prague, production assistant
1968 – 1973
FAMU, Prague, film and TV scriptwriting and dramaturgy, graduation with diploma and Mgr. degree
1963 – 1967
Film High School in Čimelice near Písek, graduation in production
Several TV and Radio plays: Janko Bouřka, Thank you for your kindness, Love for four voices, documentary about Czech Boxing .
Films: Jakub (rewarded in Teheran and Gottwaldow), Bride for kissing (prize for script), Song of unloved (French-Czech coproduction), Sensitive places
Publishing activities: Lidová demokracie, Práce, Svobodné slovo, Nové knihy, after 1993 articles about Czech television in Respekt, Květy, Týdeník Televize etc. Member of the Film and TV Union and Syndicate of Journalist.
During 1978-1986 she was under police supervision.

Ing. Václav Žák (*1945)
Chairman of the Council for Radio and TV Broadcasting
Mr Zak graduated from Faculty of Technical Nuclear Physics in Prague. From 1968 to 1989 he was working on the development of computer operational systems of 3rd and 3,5 generation in the Reasearch Institute for Mathematical Machines in Prague.
Within seventies he took part in organizing informal activities (filosophic seminars, distribution of illegal literature, technical assistance to samizdat). In 1977 he signed Charta 77. He was member of presidium to Circle of independent intelligentsia, Chairman of the Prague Commission of Czechoslovak foundation Charta 77, member of managing board of the Central European University etc.
In the beginning of 1990 he became Director of informatics at the Ministry for Schools, Youth and Physical culture. In June 1990 he was elected to Czech National Council and became its Vice-Chairman. He is co-founding member of Civic movement.
He left politics in 1992 and devoted himself to publishing and scientific activities. He is a member of Coordinating Council for Czech – German discussion forum. He wrote books about programming, essays on risks of mobilization policy, Editor in the weekly Ekonom, Editor in Chief of bi-monthly Listy. He does lecturing for the theory of transformation at the Institute for politology at the Charles University.